“Labour Rights: The essential knowledge”: our new training tool is online!

In the context of the European project “Worldplaces-Workplaces Working with Migrant Women”* we created yet another informative tool mainly for employers, namely “Labour Rights: The essential knowledge”.


Our latest training tool on Labour Rights was developed to assist employers and HR professionals in educating women employees of migrant backgrounds about their labour rights in Greece. Understanding these rights is crucial, especially for those who are new to working in Greece or who have previously worked without knowing how to utilize or claim the protections provided by an employment contract.


At  Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality & Diversity , we regularly hold Labour Rights seminars as part of our Employability Service. We believe that inclusion is grounded in being aware of one’s rights.


This training tool encompasses key topics such as employment contracts, access to social and health insurance, annual leave, maternity leave, and more. It aims to raise awareness about labour rights through an intercultural and straightforward approach. 


The  “Worldplaces-Workplaces Working with Migrant Women”is a project is implemented by the Employability Service of Generation 2.0 and aims to support companies and organisations in the process of equal inclusion of women of migrant profile in the workplace. By joining the Worldplaces network, your company or organisation gets access to tools and training regarding best practices for the inclusion of women with migrant background in the workplace. 


To become a member of the Greek Worldplaces Network and benefit from these tools as well as from the Diversity Management training, you can contact [email protected] or 213 088 44 99.


DOWLOAD the “Labour Rights: The essential knowledge”


*The project “Worldplaces-Workplaces Working with Migrant Women” is co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

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