Diversity & Inclusion Trainings for Organisations

“A,B,C for D-iversity 2.0 at Work” Trainings


Generation 2.0 RED offers to organisations, regardless of their size, a wide range of independent Diversity Management & Inclusion trainings, on different levels of familiarity with this topic, which are meant to cover different needs and are addressed to all personnel or exclusively to Human Resources Management or/and Business Administration.


  • “A,B,C for Diversity 2.0 at Work: The Beginners’ toolkit” is about introducing employees to the essential and primary concepts concerning Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace, while it suggests ideas on inclusion practices which an individual can apply, regardless of any existing organizational practices and policies.

Recommended for teams which have not attended before any Diversity & Inclusion training.


  • “A,B,C for Diversity 2.0 at Work: The next step for the Advanced”. This training is based on the exploring concepts which focus deeper on inequalities and their expression in the workplace along with discrimination, whereas the topic of unconscious bias and how privilege and power are experienced are discussed. Steps towards inclusion are suggested on an individual basis.

Recommended for teams which have attended the Generation 2.0 RED  “The Beginners’ toolkit” training or in general a training on Diversity & Inclusion.


  • “All about HR & Diversity at Work: Strictly for the Experts” specialises in the needs of Human Resources Management representatives -of all levels/Business Administration. The training is designed in a way that provides all necessary information about legislation, best practices and procedures, and as well as a step-by-step policy design workshop related to Diversity management at work.

 Recommended for professionals/teams in the Human Resources Management/Business Administration and have/have not attended the aforementioned Generation 2.0 RED trainings


  • “Unconscious Bias in Recruitment”: In terms of the recruitment procedure, and in detail throughout its phases, we focus on how unconscious bias, inherent to all, can intervene and prevent the development of an inclusive workplace despite our conscious intentions, and on how we can minimise their impact with very specific steps.

Recommended for professionals/teams involved in recruitment and have/have not attended the aforementioned Generation 2.0 RED trainings.



With tools such as the experiential learning, case studies, active participation, information provision and open discussion, this series of Generation 2.0 RED training programmes aims to introduce and familiarize organisations on Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace, both employers and employees by promoting, at the same time, personal development and boosting the development of Inclusion policies and practices, which protect Diversity.

To choose the training programme that best suits your company, please contact the Diversity Network Officer of the organisation at [email protected] or call at 213 088 4495.


A few words about the history of the trainings:

The first training programme developed and launched in 2019 with the title “Managing Diversity in the Workplace” was based on the “Diversity 2.0 – An Employers’ Guide”, published in February 2019 with the support of the European Network Against Racism. The training focused on the inclusion of people of various cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs. Occasioned by this introductory training, two more were designed: one for teams more familiar with diversity, and one for the Human Resources Management teams exclusively. In 2023, in the context of the European project Promoting Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace, the educational programme “Unconscious Bias in Recruitment” was developed.




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