“Unconscious Bias in Recruitment” Guide – PROGEDI project



The Guide Unconscious Bias in Recruitment, which is available digitally and in a limited number of hard copies, was created in the context of PROGEDI project and aims to reinforce the capacity building concerning DE&I practices for SMEs and non-profit organisations. The specific guide was based on current international bibliography and the content of the corresponding training, implemented by Generation 2.0 RED from December 2023 until March 2024, with participants Greek SMEs and non-profit organisations. 

To browse the Guide, please click on the image.


The goal is to support organisations in Greece in implementing an inclusive recruitment procedure, throughout all phases, while having eliminated the effect of unconscious bias. 

The Guide includes an introduction to biases and their development, whereas it focuses on recognising them, with mention to the most prevalent types of bias, as well as on their consequences in different recruitment phases. 

Under the European project PROGEDI (Promoting Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace), we introduce equality & integration and diversity reinforcement practices in the private and public sectors, with the ambition to practically contribute in bridging the gap between genders, and reassuring equal access, management and remuneration for all people without discrimination. 

You can download the Guide in English and Greek.


The project is being implemented by Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality & Diversity, the International Rescue Committee Hellas and the Cell for Alternative Youth Activities.

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