Diversity Trademark

The Trademark supporting Diversity in the Workplace


The Network of companies and organisations Diversity in the Workplace, an initiative of Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality & Diversity, with the support of the International Rescue Committee, has grown and has now its own trademark. With the motto “Embracing Diversity”, the activity’s trademark reflects the equal access to the Greek labor market, and members of the Network become ambassadors of diversity in the workplace.

For the companies and organisations supporting and encouraging in practice or wishing to embrace diversity in their workplace, the collaboration and support Network was created in 2017. The companies and organisations signing the Diversity Charter commit themselves to the promotion of equal treatment and access to the labor market. At the same time, a dialogue opens up on equality, respect of diversity and best practices towards this direction. As a manifestation of this collaboration, the Diversity Trademark is added to the corporate web page of the participating company in the Network, highlighting common values and practices.

“How do you manage diversity?”

You are invited to sign the Diversity Charter and enter the Diversity in the Workplace Network so you can receive too the Trademark, attend trainings and get access to the privileges offered and of course to the essential benefits of an inclusive environment, based on European standards.

For more information, please contact the Diversity Network Officer at 213 088 4499 or via email: [email protected].

You may see the companies and organisations which are members here.




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