The 7 steps that made Diversity in the Workplace what it is today.

2017 was the year when Generation 2.0 RED decided to work more thoroughly on the equal inclusion of people in the Greek labour market. Consequently, with the support of the International Rescue Committee and through the program “Facilitating access to work for Vulnerable Populations in Athens”, Diversity in the Workplace became the official action of the organisation regarding D&I issues. In 2020, the activity was included in the project Equality Works and is currently implemented under the Active citizens fund program.

Since 2017 and until today, we have been proud of the steps we have taken and the milestones we achieved, having by our side the companies and organisations which have joined our Network and are faithfully supporting the effort towards an inclusive job market. Through this article, we wish to share with you those milestones of the Diversity in the Workplace journey.

The official project launch, in 2017, involved partnerships with companies and organisations which would not only support the initiative, but would, also, share the vision of an equal and accessible working environment. Today, more than 90 companies make up the Network, with 15 of them having participated in the “Diversity 2.0 training” on diversity management. The inclusion of companies in the Network is currently marked by the signing of the Diversity Charter, which was created based on European standards and the law 4443/2016 on equal treatment. Equally significant data throughout the Diversity journey are the 208 applications made through the Network, with more than 50% of the applicants interviewed and 25% hired by a company in the context of the HR Pre-selection service offered. (Applicants are beneficiaries of the Career Counselling service of the organisation and are of migrant background).

©Generation 2.0 RED

In the context of awareness raising, campaigns were carried out in 2017 and 2018, in order to communicate on a greater scale the importance of diversity in the labor market and in our daily lives.

Another important milestone towards training employers and their staff, in 2019, was the publication of the1st Diversity 2.0-An Employers’ Guide, with the support of the European Network Against Racism, as well as the creation and release of the first Greek Trademark advocating for equal inclusion.

Along the way, Diversity in the Workplace participated in and co-organised events to promote the equal employment of people with migrant background, such as the 1st Job Fair Connecting Refugees and Migrants with the Labor Market in Athens, the ACCMR Digital Job Fair in Tourism and Hospitality and the event +Ergasia.

We will keep working hard by building partnerships with private sector companies and taking joint steps towards creating equal working environments, both in Greece and abroad.

Stay tuned to find out more about new activities and initiatives!

«The project “Equality Works” is being implemented under the Active citizens fund program, by Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality & Diversity.
The Active citizens fund in Greece is supported through a € 12m grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as part of the EEA Grants 2014 – 2021. The program aims to develop the sustainability and capacity of the civil society sector in Greece, and to strengthen its role in promoting and safeguarding democratic procedures, active citizenship and human rights. The Fund Operator for the Active citizens fund in Greece is Bodossaki Foundation in consortium with SolidarityNow.»
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